

What a shitty day today. My phone got stolen last night - it's been switched off since. A set of slides I created at work didn't get the reaction I was expecting from my boss. Teaches me not to share before the work is finished or without context.
Did have a small win today with a very good brainstorm for a mouth-wash client.

Off to buy a new phone. I was supposed to retire the old one anyways. Never lost a phone like this before or had it stolen from me. Am pretty sure whoever stole it won't be able to get in coz it was protected but they'll wipe it out and there goes - my three years of photographs, sms's and notes that I had saved so diligently. Fucking mofo.

At least my this week's assignment for Stanford is garnering some pretty good reviews, that's a solace. I miss R, but with him away, I was able to focus on my writing. I suppose there's only time and appetite for so many loves in one life.

But everyday is a delicate balance of keeping all the balls in air. One wink, one sneeze and it's not so easy anymore to get those balls to balance.

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