Imagine my mortification if someone from work reads this post - but I have to write it as it has been weighing me. I gave my notice at my current job before the Xmas holidays. My boss's reaction wasn't what I had hoped or expected. But I figured we had the vacation and he'd chill out during that time. Earlier this week, while I was waiting for the elevator to my work, listening to music, generally minding my business, my boss comes in. The work day hasn't even begun yet - I close my book, take out my ear phones and greet him and then what happens? An A-class ambush!
I had no idea where it was coming from but essentially in the elevator and then in his office, (with his doors open so the entire office could hear it) he got into a pissing match with me and kept getting angrier and angrier. For the most part, I was just amused and completely confused. I was wondering about the source of his frustration. But I spoke right back to him, politely but I was assertive and I put him on the spot. A part of me was proud that I did that because it took me a really long time so grow such balls. But a part of me, was just totally turned off at his unprofessional behavior.
He hasn't told the staff yet (and my last day is next Friday!) He hasn't even told the clients yet. Anyways, I came back to my desk with loud, blinking IM's from my colleagues who saw the drama go down asking me if I was ok. Ten minutes later my boss called me into his office and apologized for ambushing me. I think I was a little shaken but I have a thick skin so it didn't totally disturb my equilibrium.
Anyways. This is it. My mourning period ended some time ago and I'm ready to let go of this job and my colleagues. I will miss them- I've made some of my closest friends here but it's gotta be done.
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