
In the new year: Part 1

India, as always, was fabulous. Since this visit was primarily about Sureka and Kuvadia weddings, I felt a little zapped towards the end of the ten days. With every visit, Bombay becomes a little more alien and a little more my own. Can't quite explain it. In some ways, the wealth divide is even more visible and palpable in India than it ever was before. Or maybe now I view it with a very different perspective than I did on my previous visits. I'm acutely aware of the fact that the lifestyle I can afford on my visits to India might not be the same if I actually lived there.

My own impatience with the inefficiencies and mostly, the lack of common sense that majority of populace employ in their jobs left me a little frustrated. Dinner with N & M at their posh Worli apartment gave us yet another glimpse of the type of India that I could put my finger on in about five years from now. And that, didn't seem so bad. One thing is clear, to survive and build a life in Bombay, more than money, one needs a reliable network of "contacts." Sometimes, I get the sense that everyone in India is engaged in either doing someone else a favor or demanding one from someone. I watched this with my friends and even my dad. I wonder if it gets difficult to keep track of what moral equity is owed to someone else?

Criticism aside, I'd want to come back for two reasons, I think. One is for my parents - that' the primary motivation. I also want to get to know my in-laws a little better. My visit to Coimbatore was actually very fruitful because it felt that my sister-in-law and I were able to cross a boundary with each other and establish a sisterhood based on mutual observations (and just a tad bit of bitching!) of the Menon family. And believe it or not, I had a better time shopping in Coimbatore than I did in Bombay!

The other reason, is quite simply to prove it to myself that I can do it. That I can be just as successful, if not more, in India as I plan on being here in New York.

I have to admit that I came back profoundly changed from this trip to India. I was both inspired and influenced by my friends as I saw them balance domesticity with careers. I decided then to stop living like a college kid and live like the 27 year old successful woman that I am. So not only have I started cooking more proper meals at home (khichdi and chaal-walu bataka nu shaak anyone?!) but I've also committed to taking more care of myself. R was quite amazed with this sudden transformation in me. I explained to him that last year my priorities had been traveling and setting the foundation for Stanford and JWT.

And so it is.


Adventures in Solitude

This Friday, my boss made a sincere and heartfelt toast about me to the company. He announced the news of my departure over wine and cheese and said how fond he was of me and that my legacy at EA will always be remembered. Sun, Rodriguez, Wu & Chang came up to me and told me how much they will miss me. It was unexpected but it is nice to be reminded of the positive impact I've had on the people I've worked with. I received the best and most humbling compliment in my professional life when a few of my colleagues said they'd work with me anywhere and would follow me. My heart felt so full, with gratitude and love.

R left for India today and as much as I looked forward to this time by myself, I'm feeling alone and missing him. I won't lie, we've had a few difficult weeks with his applications. We operate so differently as people. I've been bitchy, naggy and said some mean things to him. I was frustrated and unhappy and yet, as we finished the process, I haven't felt more pride and love for him. I pray, I pray with every last fiber in my body and soul that he get his big win. He deserves it and he has worked hard for it. If you girls are reading this, please send any goodwill you have towards R. It scares me how much I miss him right now and how my empty apartment is eating me.

I hate talking about R and I here but invariably, I end up doing that!

On a slightly upbeat note, my first class at Stanford has begun and I'm working on my assignment. :)


The Boss reacts

Imagine my mortification if someone from work reads this post - but I have to write it as it has been weighing me. I gave my notice at my current job before the Xmas holidays. My boss's reaction wasn't what I had hoped or expected. But I figured we had the vacation and he'd chill out during that time. Earlier this week, while I was waiting for the elevator to my work, listening to music, generally minding my business, my boss comes in. The work day hasn't even begun yet - I close my book, take out my ear phones and greet him and then what happens? An A-class ambush!

I had no idea where it was coming from but essentially in the elevator and then in his office, (with his doors open so the entire office could hear it) he got into a pissing match with me and kept getting angrier and angrier. For the most part, I was just amused and completely confused. I was wondering about the source of his frustration. But I spoke right back to him, politely but I was assertive and I put him on the spot. A part of me was proud that I did that because it took me a really long time so grow such balls. But a part of me, was just totally turned off at his unprofessional behavior.

He hasn't told the staff yet (and my last day is next Friday!) He hasn't even told the clients yet. Anyways, I came back to my desk with loud, blinking IM's from my colleagues who saw the drama go down asking me if I was ok. Ten minutes later my boss called me into his office and apologized for ambushing me. I think I was a little shaken but I have a thick skin so it didn't totally disturb my equilibrium.

Anyways. This is it. My mourning period ended some time ago and I'm ready to let go of this job and my colleagues. I will miss them- I've made some of my closest friends here but it's gotta be done.


Why 2010 was a baller year

1. Justin Vernon (of Bon Iver.. Duh!) became my sole writing companion. He not only helped me write Chapter 1 of my novel but also helped me get into the Stanford Creative Writing Program. I owe you one, Vernon.

2. I got my Mom addicted to Angry Birds. So much so that she stays up past 3am trying to finish that damn level Twelve. #superwin

3. Might as well add this - Also got my Mom addicted to Wii. Mind you, she's got the highest score on the Hula Hoop.

4. A close friend got married, another got engaged and a third met the parents! I'm a sucker for happily ever afters.

5. Fell even more in love with the man I married.

6. Saw a little more of the world.

7. Celebrated myself.