
It must be a Wednesday

I'm reading Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and cannot get over the idea. What a premise for a story! This should've..  could've been the next Star Trek franchise. R even downloaded the movie last night to feed my obsession but I wasn't as impressed. The writing is clever and the characters are stronger on paper.

Right now, this very moment, while I am pulling my hair out to meet a ridiculous deadline, my sister is cracking me up with her antics. She dropped her phone in the wash-basin at work (I suspect it was actually in the toilet bowl but this is her effort at self-preservation) My sister is addicted to her phone. Whether it is 2am at night or 4pm in the day, she is always BBming someone on some continent. So while her phone rests in a pot full of rice at home to get better, she has no other form of entertainment to keep her occupied. We both G-chat when we are at work, but today has been a colossally unexpected afternoon.

My sister is so bored out of her mind that she has engaged me in an Online KBC. She is narrating it, Amitabh Bacchan style and seeding me questions with four options. And relaying her commentary with the famous KBC one-liners, "Lock kar de?" "Aaap ki two lifeline jeevit hai," etc. (She's given me Google as a lifeline) She's also give me a new lifeline called Double Dip that lets me provide two answers to one question.

I lost at 10,000 Rupees in the first round. Right now, I've made it to 3,20 Lakhs. Needless to say, this is the most quality time we've spent on G-Chat. And it's providing terrific amusement for me as I drudge through my day. *Drumrollls*

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